Science and Travel Blog
Sharing and learning across the world
One of the many joys of research is being able to share your discoveries and learn from others. These are major priorities for us in the Maerz lab. We often present our work at conferences which are also rich with opportunities to learn from other experts in our field.
Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) Conference
February 2025 (Pheonix, AZ): ORS 2025 was even busier than last with six podium presentations given by Easton Farrell, Lindsey Lammlin, Adrienne Giannone, Aanya Mohan, and our two NIRA finalists Carli DeJulius and Michael Newton! Congratulations to Carli DeJulius and Michael Newton on their NIRA awards! We also had superb poster presentations given by Helen Tran and Christina Capobianco!
Undergraduate Student: Bonnie Huynh
Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program Symposium
April 2024 (Ann Arbor, MI): Congratulations Bonnie on the wonderful poster presentation of your work helping Alex Knights! We are excited to see your future work!
AIMM (Advances in Mineral Metabolism) Meeting
April 2024 (Snowmass, CO): Alex Knights and Tristan Maerz visited Snowmass Colorado to attend the AIMM (Advances in Mineral Metabolism)-ASBMR John Haddad Young Investigator Meeting! Alex received the John Haddad YI award and presented a talk about osteophyte formation in PTOA.
Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) Conference
February 2024 (Long Beach, CA): Between poster presentations by Lindsey Lammlin, Mike Newton, and Christian Capobianco, and a NIRA podium and poster presentation by Alex Knights, ORS 2024 was busy this year! Congratulations to Alex Knights on his NIRA award!
Cartilage Biology and Pathology Gordon Research Seminar and Conference
March 2023 (Tuscany and Lucca, Italy): Alex Knights, Lindsey Lammlin, and Tristan Maerz traveled to Italy! Lindsey Lammlin gave a wonderful podium presentation and two poster presentations in Lucca, Italy, and Alex Knights gave a fantastic poster presentation in Tuscany, Italy!
Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) Conference
February 2023 (Dallas, TX): At ORS 2023, we had four podium presentations and poster presentations! Podium presentations were presented by Lindsey Lammlin, Christina Capobianco, Easton Farrell, and Mike Newton. Poster presentations were presented by Abigail Loucks, Easton Farrell, and two by Alex Knights. Great work everyone!!
Post-doc: Alex Knights (left); PI: Tristan Maerz (right)
Gordon MSK Conference
August 2022 (Andover, NH): Alex and Tristan had a blast sharing our exciting bioinformatics work at "summer camp" aka the Gordon MSK Conference in New Hampshire!
Undergraduate student: Dennis Farmer
Summer Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program Symposium
August 2022 (Ann Arbor, MI): Congrats Dennis on a productive summer and beautiful poster! We are excited to see where you decide to take this research next in the lab.
FASEB Matricellular Protein Conference
July 2022 (Lisbon, Portugal): Lindsey and Christina loved their first international conference and represented the Maerz and Hankenson labs very well at the Matricellular Protein Conference in Lisbon, Portugal!
MiMHC Annual Musculoskeletal Health Symposium
May 2022 (Ann Arbor, MI): We had a strong showing of undergraduates, graduate students, and post-docs at the MiMHC Annual Musculoskeletal Health Symposium. Great work Alex, Michelle, Haneef, Lindsey, Olivia, and Christina! Also, congratulations to Lindsey for winning the Podium Presentation Travel Award competition!
Michigan Postdoctoral Pioneer Program Symposium
May 2022 (Ann Arbor, MI): Awesome job to Alex for his fantastic talk, Lindsey for her 3rd place poster, and Christina for another impressive poster!
Orthopaedic Research Society Conference
February 2022 (Tampa, FL): In between the THREE Maerz lab podium presentations from Lindsey, Alex, and Lucas, the group had some time to relax with their U of M friends and colleagues, Dr. Andrea Alford and Dr. Kurt Hankenson. Lindsey, Lucas, and Easton were even lucky enough to snag a picture with the famous, illustrious Golden Tibia!